the Aesthetic Immersion - Webinar Library
the Aesthetic Immersion - Webinar Library
Exploring the Power of
PRP, PRF and EZ Gel
Join Gideon Kwok, DO and Lori Robertson, MSN FNP-C for this one hour webinar.
PRP, PRF and EZ Gel
60 mins.
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Regenerative Aesthetics are the newest trending topic as patients are steering back to a natural and holistic approach to beauty enhancement. In a world inundated with fleeting fads and temporary fixes, regenerative aesthetics offer a refreshing shift towards treatments that harmonize with the body's innate healing mechanisms. Patients are now seeking alternatives that align with their desire for authentic, sustainable transformations, and regenerative techniques like PRP, PRF, EZ Gel, and Exosomes align perfectly with this shift in mindset.

Treatment for Facial Rejuvenation; Facial Lines, Wrinkles, Dark Circles, Lost Facial Volume, and Facial Folds
How to Choose, Which is More Effective, How to Prepare, and What Are Side Effects?
Which Treatment is best for your patients?
The benefits of adding these regenerative services to your Med Spa: Is it worth it?
Live Q&A
